Information Services

It’s a tall order, but as an organization that has successfully managed a school-wide 1x1 laptop program for over 10 years, we’re up to the challenge.

Our IT department supports equitable access for all students and faculty to the hardware and software necessary to prepare students for an ever-changing digital, global economy. With a plethora of technology tools at our disposal, we also ensure and support student data privacy and maintain security systems for the entire Worcester Academy community.

Despite the omnipresence of technology on the Hilltop, it actually plays only a supporting role in each classroom. We see technology as a tool that supports teaching and learning and prepares our students to answer tough questions and solve complex problems. Our classrooms support the philosophy of active, purposeful use of technology. Our students don’t just consume what’s on a screen. They create, design, and author their own learning.

Worcester Academy students are not just prepared to use technology because it’s available, but rather, learn to use the best resource available to solve the right problems.

List of 2 items.

  • Middle School Laptop Program

    All 6th through 8th grade students are issued MacBook Air laptops for their middle school years. From using library databases for research projects to collaborating with classmates using Google apps, Worcester Academy Middle School students are engaging in problem solving, critical thinking, and digital literacy skills daily both online and off.
  • Upper School Laptop Program

    All 9th through 12th grade and postgraduate students are issued laptops for their high school years. From using library databases for research projects to collaborating with classmates using Google apps, Worcester Academy Upper School students are engaging in problem solving, critical thinking, and digital literacy skills daily both online and off.

Contact Us

List of 2 members.

  • Paul Carilo 

    Network & System Administrator
    508-754-5302 Ext 154
  • Christophe Masumbuko 

    Hardware/Software Administrator
    (508) 754-5302 Ext 207